Facebook WhatsApp Campaign

Online Advertising

Learn how to run effective Facebook and WhatsApp campaigns to drive engagement, generate leads, and increase sales for your business.

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Facebook WhatsApp Campaign

Connect Facebook page to WhatsApp

Whatsapp is the most effective campaign to get real/direct customer contact and start showing your products.

First of all, you must connect the Facebook page to the WhatsApp business account, Whatsapp must be installed on the client device as a business account.

The video below will show how to set up this:

Before creating the campaign

the targeted post must not have any buttons, we will change this through the campaign process

this is right - no buttons

this is wrong has buttons

Whatsapp campaign for Facebook

open ads manager, and Create a new campaign

select messages campaign set the budget as a lifetime, create the first adset and ad

select the adset, select whatsapp and select the page

select age,location and gender

in placment tab, select only Facebook newsfeed

select the ad, select the post from the page and button select a whatsapp

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